
Unlock Your Energy: Discover The 7 Primary Chakras

What Are The 7 Primary Chakras? The term “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel.“

The 7 Primary Chakras

The 7 Primary Chakras

The 7 primary Chakras are energy centers that exist along the spine of the body, From the base of the body to an area above the crown. Each chakra has a different energy and influences different body functions.

There are seven major chakras in the body, but also over 100 minor ones. The chakras are said to be the gateways to higher levels of spiritual and cosmic consciousness.

Taro Reading

Peaceful Zen Warrior-root

Root Chakra

The first of the 7 primary chakras is located at the base of the spine and is represented by the symbol of a red lotus with four petals.

This chakra is associated with the element of earth and represents our connection to the physical world and our basic survival instincts.

Sanskrit Name – Muladhara

Associated Raag – Shyam Kalyan

Location – Base of the Spine

Gland – Suprarenal and adrenal.

Organs – Base of backbone, kidney, bladder

Negative emotion – Lack or Shortage 

Positive emotion – Abundance

Color – Red

Crystal -Red Jasper, Garnet, Hematite

Root Note Frequency – 256Hz

Security Safety Survival grounds us on the physical earth the foundation for others 

The first step to securing our safety and survival is to ground us on the physical earth. The earth is the foundation for all other aspects of our lives, including our family, friends, and careers.

Earth provides us with natural resources that we need for survival such as food and water. In addition, it provides us with a sense of stability and grounding.

In order to be grounded in the physical world, we have to be aware of what is happening in it. This means that we need to be aware of what is happening in our local communities and neighborhoods so that we can have a greater understanding of how it affects us.


Sacral Chakra

Peaceful Zen Warrior-sacral

The second of the 7 primary chakras, located just below the navel, is represented by the symbol of an orange lotus with six petals.

This chakra is associated with the water element and represents our emotions, sexuality, and creativity.

Sanskrit Name – Svadhishthana

Associated Raag – Yaman

Location – In your lower abdomen, about one to two finger spans below your naval.

Glands – Testicles & Ovaries

Organs: Reproductive organs Lower back

Negative emotions – Greed

Positive emotion  –  Creativity

Color – Orange

Crystal – Amber, Carnelian

Root Note Frequency – 288Hz

The Sacral chakra is a connection with being able to freely express emotions & feelings without obsession or compulsive behaviors. The Sacral chakra is at the center of our sexual energy and is about connecting with our desires and expressing them in a healthy way. It also helps us to be able to appreciate sensuality and sexuality as something beautiful, not shameful or hidden.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Peaceful Zen Warrior-solar plexus

The third of the 7 primary chakras, located in the solar plexus, is represented by the symbol of a yellow lotus with ten petals.

This chakra is associated with the element of fire and represents our personal power, self-esteem, and sense of purpose.

Sanskrit Name – Manipura

Associated Raag – Bhimpalasi

Location –  At the upper diaphragm

Organs – Pancreas, Adrenals, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Nervous System

Negative Emotion – Jealousy, Sadness

Positive Emotion – Happiness, Joy

Color – Yellow

Crystal – Citrine, Tigers Eye

Root Note Frequency – 320Hz

The central energy point radiating the life energy through the body will power and achievement is connected here. Vitalizes the sympathetic nervous system, which activates our involuntary muscles and gets the body ready for activity

Heart Chakra

Peaceful Zen Warrior-heart

The fourth of the 7 primary chakras, located at the heart, is represented by the symbol of a green lotus with twelve petals.

This chakra is associated with the element of air and represents our ability to love and connect with others.

Sanskrit Name – Anahata

Associated Raag – Ahir Bhairav

Location – In the central channel of the spine at heart level

Glands – Thymus

Organs – Heart, Hands and vascular system

Negative Emotion – Hatred, Fear

Positive Emotions – Love

Color – Green

Crystal – Rose Quartz, Amazonite, Aventurine

Root Note Frequency – 341Hz

To make decisions to follow one’s heart and not be logical to express and accept love and connection to others , even if it means they may not be in a position to reciprocateTo have a sense of freedom and autonomy as an individual, rather than just being guided by the rules of societyTo believe there is value in one’s own life and that one should experience some level of self-actualization

Throat Chakra

Peaceful Zen Warrior-heart

The fifth of the 7 primary chakras, located at the throat, is represented by the symbol of a blue lotus with sixteen petals.

This chakra is associated with the element of sound and represents our communication and self-expression.

Sanskrit Name – Vishuddha

Associated Raag – Desh

Location –  lower throat region, near the spine

Gland – Thyroid

Organs – Throat, Esophagus’s, Lungs, Respiratory System

Negative Emotions – Disappointment, Depression

Positive Emotions – Success, creativity, Self-expression, communication  

Color – Blue

Crystal – Turquoise, Celestite, Blue Apatite 

Root Note Frequency – 384Hz

Connected with creativity and self-expression and taking the purely physical body to the spiritual   realmPurpose is to transform through the spiritual forces of design, creativity, and self-expression; to take the physical body to a spiritual realmTransformation

Third Eye Chakra

Peaceful Zen Warrior-third-eye

The sixth of the 7 primary chakras, located at the third eye, is represented by the symbol of an indigo lotus with two petals.

This chakra is associated with the element of light and represents our intuition, perception, and inner wisdom.

Sanskrit Name – Ajna

Associated Raag – Bhupali

Location – central behind the forehead

Gland – Pituitary

Organs – Spine, Hypothalamus, left eye, nose, ears

Negative Emotion – Anger

Positive Emotion – Awakening

Color – Indigo

Crystal – Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, sodalite

Root Note Frequency – 448Hz

To have foresight Being able to have the ability to predict what will happen or be needed in the future intuition & intellect. To have hindsight Being able to know what happened, who did it, and how existing concepts were helpful

Crown Chakra

Peaceful Zen Warrior-third-eye-crown

The seventh of the 7 primary chakras, located at the crown of the head, is represented by the symbol of a violet lotus with a thousand petals.

This chakra is associated with the element of consciousness and represents our connection to the divine and our highest potential.

Sanskrit Name – Sahasrara

Associated Raag – Darbari

Location –  slightly above the crown of the head.

Gland – Pineal

Organs – Upper Brain, Right eye

Color – Violet

Crystals – Amethyst, Moonstone, Clear Quartz

Root Note Frequency – 480Hz

Obtaining higher consciousness letting go of the physical world and embracing the spiritual realm

Achieving higher consciousness is a journey that involves letting go of the physical world and embracing the spiritual realm. This could be as simple as sitting in stillness or as difficult as spending many hours in meditation. Higher consciousness can be attained by anyone it is not reserved for special people or classes of people.

To find out which of the 7 primary chakras you may need to balance use our quick and easy >>>Chakra Test<<< or just have a listen to our supercharge>>> the 7 primary chakras music <<here

Thank you. Peace. and enjoy

Soul Reading

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