Solfeggio frequencies

Harmonize Your Life: Discover Solfeggio Frequencies, The Sound of Healing 

Solfeggio frequencies make up the sacred Solfeggio scale 

The Solfeggio frequencies are a series of six tones that have been used in music, meditation, and alternative healing practices.

Solfeggio frequencies

The Solfeggio frequencies were originally discovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo who was researching the ancient Gregorian chants. He found that the chants were based on tones that correspond to the six different notes of the scale: Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, So, and La.

The solfeggio frequencies are a set of 6 notes that correspond to different frequencies in the natural world. These frequencies are said to have a healing effect on the human body and can be used as a tool for meditation.

The solfeggio frequencies are based on A=432hz, which is considered to be more natural and closer to what our ears recognize as the frequency of sound.

The tones can be produced with a synthesizer or by using an oscillator with a frequency of 16 Hz for one note and 8 Hz for another note. The tones can also be played as an octave with two notes at 16 Hz and 8 Hz for each tone respectively.

UT – 396 Hz liberating guilt & fear, making negative into positive 

The ‘Ut’ tone helps us to let go of the feeling of guilt and fear by bringing down our self-restricting defense emotions. The 396 Hz frequency searches out hidden blockages, subconscious negative beliefs, and ideas that have led to your present situation. This frequency liberates positive energy and is beneficial for healing feelings of guilt. Helping to discover barriers that hold you back gives you the power to move forward to carry on, being able to achieve your goals in the most efficient way… 

RE – 417 Hz undoing situations and facilitating change 

The next primary tone from the Solfeggio scale produces energy to bring about change. When speaking of cellular processes, tone ‘Re’ has a positive effect on the cells and their functions in an efficient way. The 417 Hz frequency lets you tap into a never-ending abundance of energy that creates positive changes in your life. 417 Hz frequency cleanses traumatic experiences and expels destructive influences of past events. 

MI – 528 Hz transformation and miracles (DNA repair) 

Tone ‘Mi’ also known as the god frequency, is used to restore the human DNA to its original, intended state. The 528hz frequency brings transformation and miracles into your life. This process of DNA restoration is followed with beneficial effects –a deeper understanding of inner peace, increased energy levels, clarity & awareness, creativity, and an eagerness to embrace life fully. 

FA – 639 Hz – re-connecting and balancing, relationships 

The FA – 639 Hz tone creates harmony within all of your relationships. The ‘Fa’ can be used to help with relationship problems – those between family, partners, friends, or social problems. The 639 Hz frequency can be used to encourage the cell to communicate with its environment. This ancient Solfeggio frequency you more efficient at communication, understanding, tolerance, and love. 

SOL – 741 Hz – expressions & problem-solving 

The fifth frequency will also lead you into the power of self-expression, which will result in a stable life free from the toxicity that social life can bear. Frequent use of 741 Hz leads to a healthier, easier life, Tone ‘Sol’ cleans the cell from different kinds of toxins from our surroundings to our consumables. 741hz frequency is also used for solving problems of any kind. 

LA – 852 Hz awakening intuition, returning to spiritual order 

Tone ‘La’ is linked to your ability to see hidden agendas of people, places, and things in your life. The 852 frequency can be used for opening a person up for communication with the all-embracing Spirit. It raises awareness and lets you return to spiritual order. let go of negative thoughts & emotions enables cells to transform to a higher level raise awareness and return to spiritual order. 

Additional research conducted by Dr. Leonard Horowitz claims to have revealed three more Solfeggio frequencies 

Si – 963 Hz 

is the frequency associated with the Crown Chakra and pineal gland activation. It is the all-embracing Spirit; it enables the direct experience of the spiritual world. Also, the highest frequency or vibration is at the top of the head. 

174 Hz 

The lowest of the tones appears to be a natural anesthetic. It tends to reduce pain physically and energetically. 174 Hz frequency gives your organs a sense of security, safety, and love, encouraging them to do their best. 

285 Hz 

This frequency helps return the tissue to its original form. 285 Hz influences energy fields, sending them a message to restructure damaged organs. It also leaves your body rejuvenated and energized 

Solfeggio scale and the additional tones 

The original Solfeggio scale has 6 tones. The tones are 396, 417, 528, 639, 741 & 852. Following the pattern established by these original tones. 

There are three frequencies that can be calculated below 396 before breaking the pattern (63, 174, 285) and there are infinite frequencies that can be calculated above 852. 


174 – reduce pain 

285 – influence energy fields 

396 – Turn grief into joy 

417 – facilitate change 

528 – transformation & miracles 

639 – reconnecting, relationships 

741 – expressions/solutions 

852 – Return to spiritual order 

963 – awaken perfect state 






The most powerful and beneficial tones and frequencies 

The most powerful and beneficial tones and frequencies are in the Solfeggio Scale, the 6 tones + the additional 3-9 (639) are the most widely used amongst musicians.


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